Frequently Asked Questions Concerning Saddle Stitching Binding

There are many binding techniques available. Depending on your budget, the number of pages, and the purpose of the products, you might need to understand a binding technique very well before settling on it. 

When considering saddle stitching binding for your products, it is paramount to answer correctly the following questions:

How Does Saddle Stitching Binding Work?

Saddle stitch binding is a binding process that utilizes spooled wires to pierce the pages and then fold them back, all while keeping them compact. Stitching can be in the middle of the book or at the edges of the back and front covers. 

Saddle stitch binding is ideal for booklets, magazines, or any other document that does not need heavy binding. 

How Much Does it Cost?

Saddle stitching bidding is by far one of the most affordable binding methods available. The materials are quite inexpensive, with some going as low as half a penny for a staple run. In some instances, you might use about $0.05 in staples for a double-stitched booklet. It is very possible to make about 1000 booklets with a material cost of about $1.00.

How Durable is the Stitch?

The durability of the stitch largely depends on the strength of the cover. Saddle stitching binding leaves the spine exposed as you cannot wrap it around. Normally, side-stitched documents will outlive the saddle-stitched ones since they have more staples on the spine. 

Although we do not expect the saddle-stitched bindings to unfold from the booklet, it is easier to pull out the papers than in other types of bindings. The staples are also subjected to deterioration as they get exposed to different elements. 

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How Fast is Saddle Stitching Binding Done?

When using a basic stitcher that operates manually (operator pushing the books’ spine), you can between 150-250 booklets per hour. However, this is subject to continuous stapling during the run. Advanced equipment can yield between 900-2000 booklets in an hour subject to the settings. 

Can Stitched Pages Lay Horizontally as Well as Rotate 360 Degrees?

Yes. The staples do run parallel with the book spine, allowing the book to be easily folded in and out. There is zero resistance from the bind itself. 

Are There Size and Material Limitations?

The common hindrance available is the sheet’s capacity to be stitched. Although some side-stitchers can bind up to 0.3″ book blocks, there is some advanced equipment that can do up to 400-page booklets. However, sheet thickness will determine if that will be possible. 

Can Saddle Stitching Binding be Applied in Hard Cover Book?

No. The stitching equipment cannot clinch staples on the surface. Saddle stitching’s bind is not that strong and is highly discouraged for hardcover booklets.

Does Saddle Stitching Binding Allow Additional Editing?

Very possible. Since saddle stitching is easier to unbind compared to other bindings, it is easier to edit. You will need to open the middle of the booklet, fold the staples back, the pull your perforated paper. Ensure you do it carefully without tearing the pages. 

Can You Customize the Spine of a Saddle-stitched Book?

Not possible. This type of stitching is designed to have just a very limited surface area that would otherwise allow customization. The saddle-stitched book could only be customizable at either the back or front covers.

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What Type of Booklets Can Be Saddle-stitched?

Due to its relatively weaker nature, saddle stitch binding is recommended for coloring books, wall calendars, brochures, mailers, manuals, comic books, and program booklets.

Why is Saddle Stitch A Better Binding?

The following are the obvious advantages of saddle stitch binding

  • Amongst the least expensive binding techniques 
  • It takes less time to bind as long as there is continuous stapling
  • It is both effective in short or relatively long production runs
  • Very effective when you have few-page documents
  • It is easier to hole-punch the booklets for ringed binder insertions
  • It is quite easy to design as it can accommodate the artwork (even the crossover images)
  • It only adds a little bulkiness to the printing.

How many Wires Can Be Used in Saddle Stitch Binding?

Most of the time, two staple wires are enough to fit both the covers and the pages. Larger books might need more staples, with those with less than 2” spine needing just one staple.


The type of binding largely determines the durability of your booklet. Although saddle stitch binding has its own limitations, you will appreciate it if your booklets have few pages.