Is Becoming An Interior Designer The Career For you?

Do you have a keen eye for form and beauty? Do you see relationships between inanimate objects, and feel the urge to move them into more satisfying configurations based on aspects like shape, size, and colour? Do you love art and style? Have you rearranged your home more than twice in the last year, or often replace your furniture to suit your latest whims? If so, you might have what it takes to pursue a career in interior design!

If all of that describes you, then the art and science of interior design is a very satisfying way to make a living that you should look into. Professionals like Sydney interior designers help people make their dream homes come alive by creating the kind of spaces that excite them, thus greatly improving their sense of leading their best life in a home decor that looks and feels fantastic!

So, how do you become an interior designer? The first thing to do is to study up on subjects like architecture, art, and design. Professional interior designers are required to have a bachelor’s degree in order to be licensed so plan on doing some schooling. These days there are lots of ways to go about this that can fit into your schedule and budget, such as taking online courses!

The world can also be your school, get out and go to museums and art galleries, as well as do some window shopping at trendy furniture stores to learn more about design, both historical and contemporary! Design and fashion magazines are another great resource, they can help you become familiar with the trends that have shaped the art, and begin to form your own menu of design choices, recipes for success that you can put your own unique spin on. The great painters of old times always studied the masters, and you should too!

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The current popular styles and favoured practices are constantly changing, trends and techniques come and go, sometimes passing out of style only to be back in vogue again a few years later! Today’s interior designers should always be aware of emerging technologies, such as the surge toward sustainability and environmental friendliness that recent years have seen, and that show no signs of stopping! Successful interior designers never stop learning, they constantly upgrade their skills and refresh their inspirations via continuing education.

Another important learning tool that should never be overlooked is good old hands-on experience! Get out there and do it! When you visit a friend’s home think about how you would redesign their kitchen to maximise space, and choose a new wallpaper that would transform their living room into a new and exciting space! Tell them what you are thinking and they might offer to let you do your magic on their home, what a great way to practice your art! Consider the possibility of volunteering or interning with an established design firm, a great opportunity to see the masters at work and make job connections!

The Australian government’s Your Career website states that interior designers are in demand, so what are you waiting for? Get started on living your dream career, we know you will wow them with your unique style!