What Skills Do You Need To Balance Native And Cross-Platform Mobile App Development?

With the ever-increasing demand for mobile applications, there has been a corresponding rise in the requirement for proficient developers capable of creating native and cross-platform applications. With native app development, developers can create apps specifically for a single platform, while cross-platform development authorizes them to create apps that can run on multiple platforms. Nonetheless, the challenge lies in uncovering the suited balance between the two approaches. This is where mobile app testing comes into play. 

Mobile application testing is a vital step in the development procedure that guarantees the app’s functionality, usability, and performance on all platforms. Nowadays, mobile users are keen to know the technology, which is a tough task for mobile organizations. Launching an app based on people’s choices and perspectives can be a major challenge. 

This article will explore the skills needed to balance native and cross-platform app development. But before that, let us have a brief understanding of native mobile app development and cross-platform mobile app development. 

What are Native Mobile Applications?

The native mobile app is designed to perform for a single platform. The programming languages and tools are designed to cater to distinct mobile operating systems. As a result, it employs the device and its abilities at its best. Native mobile applications are also known for their fast speed, great execution, and quick response.

For native application development, developers utilize tools for Android and iOS called SDK (Software development kit) and an IDE (integrated development environment). If the developers have adequate knowledge of authentically utilizing these tools, there will be less possibility of collisions and will assist in high optimization.

Furthermore, native applications deliver a unique user experience as they enhance the visuals customized to the platform user experience. Due to its enhanced security and high performance, it sometimes delivers more capital-intensive services pre- and post-launch.

Benefits of Native Mobile Applications

Native mobile applications are specially designed for a specific operating system and are created using software development kits furnished by the OS provider. Unlike web-based applications, native apps are downloaded and installed directly on a device, employing their features and functionalities to furnish a seamless user experience. The benefits of native applications go beyond convenience, as they offer many advantages for businesses and users. 

Here are a few benefits of native mobile applications:

  • Enhanced Performance: Developing native mobile applications provides the ability to utilize all resources of the relevant application. Programming frameworks designed specifically for Android or iOS deliver better optimization opportunities for the end-users than the ones that perform on multiple platforms simultaneously. 
  • Improved User Experience: Combining access to unique device features and better performance permits users to relish smoother applications. Optimized for a particular platform, they have better interface integration and feature fewer bugs.
  • Access to Unique Device and OS Features: The native mobile apps maximize the usage of specific features on certain platforms. For example, iOS developers can facilitate integration with Siri using native development rather than cross-platform. 
  • Offline Functionality: Creating offline functionality for a native app is smooth. Utilizing native tools facilitates seamless access to the internal storage of a specific device. So, if you are willing to build an offline-centric application that does not require substantial measures for management, you should go for native app development. 

What are Cross-Platform Mobile Applications?

A cross-platform mobile application is a program developed using a single codebase and can be executed on multiple mobile platforms or OS, such as Android and iOS. It authorizes developers to write the application’s code once and deploy it across various platforms, diminishing development effort and time compared to developing separate native applications for each platform. 

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Cross-platform frameworks such as Flutter, React Native, and Xamarin empower developers to create applications with uniform user interfaces and functionality across multiple platforms. These applications can access specific native device features via platform-specific APIs (Application Programming Interface), balancing platform-specific capabilities and code reusability.

Cross-platform mobile applications pledge to save time and expense, risking the loss of quality in the process. Therefore, enclosing an application that executes ideally on different platforms is tough. A smooth-running application requires additional layers to sidestep low performance.

Benefits of Cross-Platform Mobile Applications

Given the swift progressions in technology, organizations are consistently seeking ways to effectively connect and captivate their intended audience across multiple devices and platforms. The rise of cross-platform mobile applications has immensely impacted the landscape of mobile development, revolutionizing the industry. These applications are designed to work seamlessly on multiple OS, furnishing organizations with a wider reach and greater flexibility.

Here are some benefits of cross-platform mobile apps:

  • Cost Efficiency: Creating a single cross-platform application diminishes development expenses compared to developing separate native applications for each platform. 
  • Faster Time to Market: Cross-platform mobile applications permit faster development cycles, facilitating applications to be launched on numerous platforms simultaneously, resulting in a swifter time to market. 
  • Code Reusability: Developers can reuse a considerable part of code across platforms, diminishing development effort and time. Apparently, cross-platform app development still needs some platform-specific code. 
  • Easier Maintenance: Streamlining the process by updating and effectively managing a single codebase offers numerous benefits. By implementing changes universally, valuable time and resources can be conserved. Releasing updates is uncomplicated with cross-platform apps.

Skills You Need To Balance Native And Cross-Platform Mobile App Development

In the present-day scenario, it is tough to imagine lives with the presence of mobile applications. Some like entertainment software, such as games and streaming services, and some choose productive options, such as scheduling apps. Experts anticipate the global number of application downloads will be $299 billion by the end of 2023.

There are no “good” or “bad” app-building choices. Native mobile apps and cross-platform app development are substantial choices, depending on your budget, deadline, and other factors. Here are some of the skills needed to balance native and cross-platform mobile app development:

Understand Coding Languages and Frameworks

To excel in the ever-evolving field of mobile app development, it is paramount to have a profound understanding of coding languages and frameworks. These building blocks authorize developers to create robust and efficient applications. Coding languages like Java, Swift, and Kotlin are commonly utilized for native app development, while frameworks such as React Native and Flutter have acquired popularity for cross-platform development. 

Each language and framework has strengths and weaknesses, and being well-versed in them stimulates developers to make informed decisions based on project requirements and target audience. Moreover, staying updated with the latest advancements and trends in coding languages and frameworks is essential to ensure the development of high-quality and user-friendly mobile applications.

Familiarize with the Native Development Environment

To attain a seamless and efficient mobile app development process, it is imperative to enlighten oneself with the native development environment. This necessitates a thorough understanding of the tools, software, and resources utilized in native app development for platforms like iOS and Android. 

Native development environments typically involve software development kits (SDKs) furnished by platform vendors, such as Xcode for iOS and Android Studio for Android. These environments offer a range of features and functionalities that stimulate developers to harness the platform’s full potential, including access to device-specific APIs, debugging tools, and performance optimization techniques. 

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Learn Cross-Platform Development Tools

Cross-platform development presents a cost-effective and time-efficient approach to building mobile applications that can execute on multiple platforms with minimal modifications. Tools such as Xamarin, React Native, and Flutter stimulate developers to write a single codebase that can be deployed on iOS and Android platforms. These frameworks furnish many pre-built components, libraries, and APIs that expedite development. 

Moreover, cross-platform tools offer features like hot-reloading, which authorizes developers to see the changes they make instantly without requiring time-consuming recompilation. By acquiring proficiency in cross-platform development tools, developers can balance native and cross-platform approaches, guaranteeing they can efficiently deliver high-quality mobile apps while maximizing code reuse and minimizing development efforts.

While looking into cross-platform development tools, it is also important to understand the role of cross-platform testing tools while developing mobile apps. Cloud-based cross-platform testing tools like LambdaTest play a significant role in cross-platform mobile app development. LambdaTest is an AI-powered test orchestration and execution platform to run manual and automated tests at scale. The platform allows you to perform real-time and automation testing across 3000+ environments and real mobile devices.

Master Debugging and Troubleshooting Skills

A crucial skill set that complements native and cross-platform mobile app development is mastering debugging and troubleshooting. Regardless of the development approach, bugs and issues are inevitable in the app development process. Skilled developers can pinpoint and fix these problems efficiently, diminishing development time and improving the app’s overall quality. 

Debugging entangles pinpointing the root cause of a problem by analyzing error logs, conducting systematic tests, and using debugging tools. Troubleshooting requires a systematic approach to isolate and resolve issues, whether they are related to coding errors, compatibility issues, or performance bottlenecks. 

Stay Updated on the Latest Technologies

In the ever-evolving landscape of technology, new frameworks, programming languages, and tools emerge regularly, furnishing opportunities to enhance app development processes. By staying updated with these advancements, developers can utilize the most recent features and capabilities to develop cutting-edge, high-performing mobile applications. 

Besides, staying updated on trends and industry best practices allows developers to adapt their strategies and ensure their apps remain competitive. Continuous learning and exploration of new technologies enable developers to expand their skills and stay ahead in the fast-paced world of mobile app development.

Have a Strong Understanding of UX/UI

A strong understanding of user experience (UX) and user interface (UI) is crucial for mobile app developers striving for success in balancing native and cross-platform development. UX/UI concentrates on creating an intuitive and seamless user interface that enhances the overall user experience. This entangles effectively organizing content, optimizing navigation, and designing visually appealing interfaces. 

By prioritizing UX/UI, developers can guarantee that their apps are user-friendly, engaging, and meet the requirements and expectations of their target audience. Besides, a deep understanding of UX/UI principles authorizes developers to identify pain points and make informed design decisions to improve user satisfaction and retention. 


Successfully balancing native and cross-platform mobile app development requires technical skills, adaptability, and a robust understanding of user experience. If you want a feature-rich application with greater security, a native mobile application approach is better. Nonetheless, if you care about the speed of development and low expenses, the cross-platform approach is matchless. Everything depends on your requirements.